Monday, March 24, 2008

The war in Iraq...

I just want to let you know that I was vehemently against the war in Iraq from the beginning.

But it doesn't mean that I am anti-Bush, because I'm not.

On the contrary, I am very much pro-Bush because of his Pro-life stance.

Yes, yes, I've heard the naive argument, "How can you be for Bush if he kills people in Iraq through this war???"

I tell you solemnly, we as a nation kill about 4000 babies a day and I don't hear the bleeding heart liberals say anything about that???

Which leads me to think that they really don't care about the loss of life, but instead are more interested in their liberal political agenda, HYPOCRITES!!!

Well, now that we are in this war, what do I think we should do???

I tell you solemnly, the reason for war is God's punishment, AND GOD IS PUNISHING US NOW FOR ABORTION!!!

It is called, chastisement, and will only get worse if we do not stop abortion now!

How is abortion related to the war you ask??? I can hear you begging the question.

In short, if the most innocent (the unborn) are not safe in their mother's womb, NO ONE IS!

I tell you solemnly, no other evil will be solved, until we stop abortion. And I fear we will not win any war until we stop abortion.

But now that we are in this war we must defend the innocent (continue fighting terrorism) and at the same time continue the struggle in defeating abortion in this country and hopefully throughout the world.

And lastly, I also tell you solemnly, THE ONLY WAY ABORTION WILL BE DEFEATED IS THROUGH THE HOLY ROSARY". Which in turn will give us the graces to fast, do penance and reparation, and to receive the graces of what God wants us to do temporally (in this world) to give us the wisdom to help stop abortion.

God bless.

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