Friday, November 30, 2007

Sex Offenders vs. The Constitution and Morality...

It is another great crime to have sex offender registries, this is done just to persecute the offenders. If people truly cared about child abuse they would be up in arms about abortion, which occurs millions of times more and is infinitely worse than any child molestation. The only reason people want to persecute "molesters" is because they make easy targets to attack. No one wants to be one and no one wants to defend them. But remember, don't hate molesters, hate what they do. For they were little children also. This perversion, child-molestation is NOT scientifically proven to be incurable. These are people too, who deserve redemption and forgiveness if they seek it. A repentant child-molester is the NEW Mary Magdeline of our time. What would Jesus say: Jesus would like to see the repentant molester hugging the forgiving victim in heaven, instead of the un-repentant molester and the unforgiving victim hating each other in hell. For I tell you solemnly, you will go to hell if you do not repent AND not forgive.

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